Embrace the vacation vibes of August while priming for an autumnal leap into high gear.

Exclusive Pack:

− landing page,

− logo and style,

− branding materials and pitch deck

in only 4 weeks and just $10K.

LaborX: Find Jobs And Freelance Around The Globe


<div class="p-lr"><div class="g-7-15"><div class="pt-13"><p>What is LaborX</p></div><p class="h3-style">LaborX is a blockchain jobs platform that helps clients and freelancers connect, providing efficient transactions and robust protections through smart contracts — wherever you're based.</p><div class="pb-80"></div></div></div>

<img src="https://cdn.prod.website-files.com/62e119d58c1c3abc0a13d8f9/6311dec46ef5e93ae940a24d_lx_02.webp" loading="lazy" alt="" class="s_image_full mb-104">

<div class="p-lr"><div class="g-7-15 mb-80"><div class="pt-13"><p>Initial stage</p></div><p class="h4-style">We needed to design and launch LaborX new website first before we proceeded to working on the platform interface. We developed a new style for LaborX communication that we wanted to scale onto the platform.</p>

<img src="https://cdn.prod.website-files.com/62e119d58c1c3abc0a13d8f9/6311dec58bf0c1e868b0ab1f_lx_05.webp" loading="lazy" alt="" class="s_image_full mb-200"></div>

<div class="p-lr"><div class="g-7-15 pb-80"><div class="pt-13"><p>Main project goal</p></div><p class="h4-style">The most important goal for this platform redesign project was making the UX design extremely clear. The process of hiring freelancers and for freelancers applying for jobs needed to be super simple simple. All this needed to tie back to the new style we created in to the platform UI.</p></div></div>

<img src="https://cdn.prod.website-files.com/62e119d58c1c3abc0a13d8f9/6311dec453d33f17f5dbb4bd_lx_03.webp" loading="lazy" alt="" class="s_image_full mb-48"><img src="https://cdn.prod.website-files.com/62e119d58c1c3abc0a13d8f9/6311dec58bf0c1e868b0ab1f_lx_05.webp" loading="lazy" alt="" class="s_image_full mb-200">

<div class="p-lr pb-80"><div class="g-7-15"><div class="pt-13"><p>A scalanble UI kit</p></div><p class="h4-style">We created a variety of building blocks over the course of the project for all LaborX team needs.</p></div></div><div class="p-lr"><img src="https://cdn.prod.website-files.com/62e119d58c1c3abc0a13d8f9/6311dec59d5a9e4b3af0b7dc_lx_06.webp" loading="lazy" alt="" class="s_image_full mb-48"></div>

<img src="https://cdn.prod.website-files.com/62e119d58c1c3abc0a13d8f9/637affcf370cfa61fa7375bd_lx-07.webp" loading="lazy" alt="" class="s_image_full mb-48"><img src="https://cdn.prod.website-files.com/62e119d58c1c3abc0a13d8f9/637affd09d37fd4ab8b3aa18_lx-08.png" loading="lazy" alt="" class="s_image_full mb-200">

<div class="p-lr "><div class="g-7-15 pb-32"><div class="pt-13">Wireframing stage</div><p class="h4-style">Before proceeding to design we wireframed all of the crucial parts of LaborX interface. This included both people who hire and who gets hired:</p></div></div>

<div class="p-lr mb-16"><div class="g-7-15"><div class="transp-bl"></div><p class="h4-style">1. Dashboard for both the freelancer and the customer</p></div></div></div>

<div class="p-lr mb-16"><div class="g-7-15"><div class="transp-bl"></div><p class="h4-style">2. Job page with varios information about the listing</p></div></div></div>

<div class="p-lr mb-16"><div class="g-7-15"><div class="transp-bl"></div><p class="h4-style">3. Freelancer profile</p></div></div></div>

<div class="p-lr mb-16"><div class="g-7-15"><div class="transp-bl"></div><p class="h4-style">4. Contract set up</p></div></div></div>

<div class="p-lr mb-80"><div class="g-7-15"><div class="transp-bl"></div><p class="h4-style">Based in these section wireframes and designs LaborX team would be able to scale the platform by themselves using the components we created.</p></div></div></div>

<img src="https://cdn.prod.website-files.com/62e119d58c1c3abc0a13d8f9/637affd0b609f36d15a94ab0_lx-09.png" loading="lazy" alt="" class="s_image_full mb-200">

<div class="p-lr "><div class="g-7-15 pb-48"><div class="pt-13">Key interface sections</div><p class="h4-style">We’ve created a broad variety of screens in components in the process of working on this project, but we want to share with you the core sections.</p></div></div>

<div class="p-lr mb-80"><div class="g-7-15"><div class="transp-bl"></div><p class="h4-style">The dashboard is the first thing a freelancer or a client sees when they enter the platform upon registration or any other time. It needed to be comprehensive, clear and useful. That’s why it includes the funds block, notification centers, tasks and opportunities. Everything crucial in one place.</p></div></div></div>

<img src="https://cdn.prod.website-files.com/62e119d58c1c3abc0a13d8f9/637affd1cf7e15cb8fffb3c0_lx-10.webp" loading="lazy" alt="" class="s_image_full mb-48"><div class="p-lr mb-200">

<div class="g-7-15"><div class="transp-bl"></div><p class="h4-style">The job search section needed to have a simple filter with all the important parameters people would brows jobs upon. Job listings themselves needed to be easy to scan through so the decision making would be easy.</p></div></div></div>

<img src="https://cdn.prod.website-files.com/62e119d58c1c3abc0a13d8f9/637affd069bf644d313d8069_lx-11.webp" loading="lazy" alt="" class="s_image_full mt-80 mb-200">

<div class="p-lr"><div class="g-7-15"><div class="transp-bl"></div><p class="h4-style">Freelancers profile plays a key role in the process because it’s something you may be hired for or not get the job. It couldn’t have too much information because it would be too hard for the clients to read and too exhausting for the freelancers to fill out.</p></div></div></div>

<img src="https://cdn.prod.website-files.com/62e119d58c1c3abc0a13d8f9/637affd1f8e50fcdbd086550_lx-12.webp" loading="lazy" alt="" class="s_image_full mt-80 mb-200"><div class="p-lr "><div class="g-7-15 pb-80"><div class="pt-13">Adapted for phones</div><p class="h4-style">Smartphone is the most important device now. Though desktop is more crucial to b2b services, everything needed to be accessible on mobile too.</p></div></div>

<img src="https://cdn.prod.website-files.com/62e119d58c1c3abc0a13d8f9/637affd0523c291adf395ddc_lx-13.webp" loading="lazy" alt="" class="s_image_full mb-200"><div class="p-lr "><div class="g-7-15 pb-80"><div class="pt-13">Typography</div><p class="h4-style">Clean typography and good typeface allow for comfortable reading of the copious amounts of text.</p></div></div><img src="https://cdn.prod.website-files.com/62e119d58c1c3abc0a13d8f9/6311dec58d0b05e06ed4095a_lx1.svg" loading="lazy" alt="" class="s_image_full mb-200">

<div class="g-7-15"><div class="pt-13">Palette & Avatars</div><p class="h4-style">We went for the classic tech blue and grey route with small splashes of bright colors from the LaborX brand identity we created.</p></div></div>

<img src="https://cdn.prod.website-files.com/62e119d58c1c3abc0a13d8f9/637affd03f689b21e277063c_lx-16.png" loading="lazy" alt="" class="s_image_full mt-80 mb-200">

<div class="p-lr pb-80"><div class="g-7-15"><div class="pt-13"><p>Testimonial</p></div><div><p class="quote">"I am impressed with the speed of the team. For two weeks of work, we have developed 3 Landing Prototypes, Landing, 10 internal pages, a lot of modal windows, icons, avatars, buttons, text fields, standard blocks and so on. Embacy proved fast work can be quality."</p><div class="mt-24 mb-48"><p>Saypulla Sheykhanov, Project Manager, LaborX</p></div><a href="https://clutch.co/profile/embacy?page=3#review-1423880" class="link-l undrln-bl">Full Review</a></div></div></div>

<div class="p-lr pt-200"><div class="team-case"><div class="mb-4"><p><b>Producer: </b>Leonid Bondarenko</p></div><div class="mb-4"><p><b>Project Manager:  </b>Sofya Narbut</p></div><div class="mb-4"><p><b>Art Direction: </b>Elisey Soloviev </p></div><div class="mb-4"><p><b>Designer: </b>Anvar Rizaev</p></div><div class="mb-4"><p><b>Illustrator: </b>Lisa Ivanova</p></div>

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